Whatever has brought you here today I can let you know that you will make it through to the other side of your trauma. I’m living proof. In 2003 I was in a life threatening snowboard accident that left me in a coma not being able to walk, talk or eat on my own. Less than 3 months later I ran out of the hospital. Unknowingly I utilized a particular system, the S.T.E.P. system.
Still unaware of that system, I developed a voice issue in 2012. Again I went ‘back to the well’ and used the very same system to recover and 8 years later, I didn’t have a voice issue. We’re so fortunate at Common Goal to share that same system with you to help you make it through to the other side of your trauma.
In this series I help you identify your SUPPORT, TRUST, ENERGY and PERSISTENCE in your very own workbook. You also get my coaching emails & video’s to help you work through your trauma for only $37.
® 2025 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NickPrefontaine.com
At the very least you should” download the free STEP system here to help you to move beyond any life challenge, set back or trauma and into your limitless potential.
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